Today's practice is Holding. This practice is about releasing the need for an immediate answer…or a familiar one. It is about holding the question before rushing to an answer or “the” answer.
"Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Live the questions now..."
~ Ranier Maria Rilke
Instead of writing down a list with the same thoughts that you always carry in your left-brain, try engaging your whole brain first. The right brain processes much more quickly than the left brain – and is not inhibited by habitual thinking. Let your left-brain take a mini-vacay.
Emergence needs so breathing room before being analyzed, evaluated and figured out. It is not about rushing into sense making. Allow yourself to indulge non-sense-making for a while. Stay in the Divergence. That's the domain of the creative imagination, and it always delivers if we give it the time and space to work it's magic.