The baby does not judge themself, when they are first learning to walk, and they fall...a lot. They don't think they are not made to walk, that they are a failure, that they are doing it wrong, or anything else. There is no negative self-evaluation. They just get back up and keep trying until they finally make it across the room. That leads to making it across all kinds of other spaces to explore. Eventually they get into running, climbing, jumping, dancing, and so many other things that wouldn't happen if they stopped at the first falls. The same is true when starting your soul-based business, or trying something creative for the first time, or anything new.
What if you give yourself the same leeway you gave yourself as a baby learning to walk with anything new you try? What if you let go of thinking you are too __ or not enough __ to make it? What if you enter that mission, goal, or endeavor with an exploratory mindset? What if you allow missteps or setbacks to be pat of the natural discovery process--not holding them as failures, or assigning a negative meaning to them, but instead taking them as information and neutral iterations toward what will eventually work?
We have nature on our side when stepping into new territory and trying anything new...we are born explorers, discoverers, adventurers, and creators. All of us. Each in our own unique way. There is no guarantee you won't "fall" at times. In fact, it is likely you will, since that is part of the emergence process. It is messy and we learn by engaging, not be waiting til we feel we can do it perfectly.
The baby would never walk if they needed to know they would have do make it across the room perfectly before they started. Be like the baby we all have in our cellular memories inside of us...and take the steps because you feel called to them--or they seem fun, interesting, inspiring, or alive--without any certainty it will all be smooth and perfect. Trust that you have it in you to bounce back up if you fall a few times. It is worth it. You are worth it.
Michelle James © 2023