Nature shows us how the creative process works...with the right conditions and nurturing our seed ideas and impulses can bear juicy fruit. Now more than ever, we need to seed life-giving ideas - not fear-based ones - for a more healthy, generative future in this level of uncertainty we are all in.
No matter how uncertain the external conditions, we have choices in what we plant for our personal and collective future. We have choice to find or make meaning out of this time. We can't know what will happen, but we can know what we are inspired to create, and start the process. We can discover what gives us a purpose, both for ourselves and larger than ourselves.
It's not about waiting until after the pandemic has "passed" - it is about finding what is alive in you to create here now, amidst the situation you/we are in. We are not going back to life-as-usual anytime time soon. Life UNusual requires us to think in UNusual ways to meet it...and move into a more generative way of living, thinking, and being. There is no going back, but we can move forward in a more life-giving way.
Generative Questions to Engage the Process
Given the constraints we are in, here are some questions to consider to start to engage the process:
• What are you inspired to create?
• How are you inspired to contribute?
• What can make this situation better for you?
• For others who are having a hard time?
• What gifts, skills, talents, and knowledge can you bring to this situation?
• Where does what you have to offer, and what feels alive in you,
meet what the world could use?
• What problems do you see that you can help solve?
• What positive outcomes would you like to see?
• What vision do you hold for a positive, generative future?
• What is your best imagining for the future?
• In what ways might you contribute to that vision?
• What do you need to learn for that to happen?
• What do you need to do?
• What boundaries do you need to set?
• What personal edges do you need to push - where are your growing edges?
• In what ways do you need to grow to be able to carry out that vision?
In thinking of those things and answering them honestly, you start the creative seed planting process....
By Michelle James ©2020
(strawberry image via Marcia Berg)
This is an exquisite list of questions that I am using as I set my activities. Thank you for this, and for your body of work over the years.
Posted by: Susan Kuhn | May 27, 2020 at 09:05 PM
Thanks so much for the kind words, Susan.
Posted by: Michelle James | May 28, 2020 at 03:31 AM