Taking back our creative power starts with owning the choices we make…not waiting for other people’s choices or situations to give us permission to move forward…and not using other people or situations as an excuse to not follow our own inner call. It means following our aliveness, not our fears - moving through the fears as they emerge…taking time to discover what’s ours to create…and then cultivating it over time, like a garden - watering what we want to grow, and weeding out what’s no longer healthy…using our time and energy toward what we want and feel called to create.
Now is always the right time to begin - from exactly who and where you are. Many people use their creative energy toward fixing a problem to get back to the static status quo…choosing what feels comfortable and known to what feels most alive and engaged the unknown. In creative emergence immersion, we focus on moving beyond our familiar static status quo to create our dynamic life-giving what’s next. It’s messier, and sometimes less comfortable, because it means bushwhacking through the jungle of our own unknown - our yet-to-be-cultivated creative territory. But it’s alive, and vibrant, and offers the unique creative life expression that only you can give.
In that, there are explorations to be had, insights and ideas to incubate, creativity to cultivate, priorities to align with, choices to make, and boundaries to set. Sometimes its easy, sometimes not. Sometimes its fun, sometimes not. At times there is natural resistance in the process. But it is alive, it is uniquely yours, it’s full-on engaging, and it serves the greater good in some way. That’s organically built in to holistically generative work.
Taking back our deeply sourced creative power is a choice we can make at any time without even knowing how to do it. The HOW unfolds over time as we engage the creative process. #creativecultivation #creativeemergencecoaching