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Annalie Killian

Michelle and Sam....you have no idea how many times I am going to be tweeting and quoting this blogpost because this is EXACTLY what I try and live and do....EVERY DAY, and infuse at work! What started with my title 10 years ago..."Catalyst for Magic" instead of Director of Innovation, Collaboration and Communication is carried through to challenging our team to try and find a fresh angle....every time! Traditional corporate content is so devoid of fun and metaphor that it makes you weep when people spend a fortune on "employee engagement programmes" and employee brand campaigns when a little bit of fun and imagination and loosening up the controls will achieve the desired effect much more sustainably. Fun and business are not mutually exclusive, its in fact perfect partners! Its great fun running a highly energised profitable enterprise and second best thing is to work in such an enterprise with other highly energised people! Long live levity!

Michelle James

Love it, Annalie! Thank you so much for your comment. I have forwarded it to Sam. "Fun and business are not mutually exclusive..." - big yes to that! :-)

Aajf 6

I completely agree with the above comment, the internet is with a doubt growing into the most important medium of communication across the globe and its due to sites like this that ideas are spreading so quickly.

truck rental

The two sentences "everyone feels valued and heard" and "everyone has an opportunity to use their talents and innovative approaches" sound so right. I wish my workplace would try something like that...

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